Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Τα τρία είδη ανθρώπων στον χώρου του ποδοσφαίρου.-Konstantinos Gianni.

Φωτογραφία: Τα τρία είδη ανθρώπων στον χώρου του ποδοσφαίρου.

Κατά την προσωπική μου άποψη υπάρχουν 3 είδη ανθρώπων (προπονητές, γυμναστές, μάνατζερ κ.α.) που ασχολούντε με τον χώρο του ποδοσφαίρου:

1. Είναι ο άνθρωπος εκείνος ο οποίος παρουσιάζει τον εαυτό ως μεγάλο - προπονητή, γυμναστή, μάνατζερ ενώ στην πραγματικότητα είναι άδειος από γνώσεις. Tο μόνο που μπορεί να έχει είναι ένα καλό ψεύτικο προφίλ προκειμένου να πείθονται οι υποψήφιοι πελάτες - θυμάτά του (γονείς παιδιών, αθλητές). Αυτός ο  άνθρωπος συνήθως πληρώνεται αδρά όχι για το έργο του αλλά για τις υποσχέσεις και τα λόγια του, όχι μόνο προς τους γονείς των μικρών αθλητών αλλά πολλές φορές και προς τους ιδίους. Το πλεονέκτημα αυτού του ανθρώπου πηγάζει  από την εκμετάλλευση του ονείρου των παιδιών  να γίνουν επαγγελματίες ποδοσφαιριστές  ή  να επιλεγούν από τις ακαδημίες κάποιας  ευρωπαϊκής ομάδας. Συνήθως κολακεύει τον εαυτό του. Όνειρό του, απλά δεν έχει όνειρο . Το μόνο που κάνει είναι να ελπίζει οι δουλειές να πάνε καλά εκμεταλλευόμενος την παιδική αθωότητα και τους αφελείς γονείς.

2. Είναι ο άνθρωπος εκείνος ο όποιος χαρακτηρίζεται από την αρετή της αυτογνωσίας. Έχει πανεπιστημιακή μόρφωση (μεταπτυχιακό  και σπανιότερα διδακτορικό δίπλωμα) και προσπαθεί συνεχώς να διευρύνει τις γνώσεις του. Είναι τελειομανής και δουλεύει σκληρά, συνήθως δεν  αμείβεται σύμφωνα με τις γνώσεις και τις ώρες εργασίας του. Ο λόγος είναι ότι βρίσκεται στην αρχή της σταδιοδρομίας του και προσπαθεί να κτίσει πάνω σε υγιείς βάσεις την καριέρα του. Πολλές φορές δίνει λιγότερη  σημασία στο οικονομικό όφελος και περισσότερη στην εξέλιξη των αθλητών του. Είναι χαμηλών τόνων και δεν υπόσχεται μεγάλα πράγματα στους αθλητές και τους γονείς τους. Στο δεύτερο είδος ανθρώπου μιλούν κολακευτικά οι γονείς των αθλητών και οι αθλητές του γι’ αυτόν και όχι ο ίδιος  για τον εαυτό του. Το όνειρο του είναι να δει τους αθλητές του να αγωνίζονται σε υψηλό επίπεδο και να γίνουν σωστοί άνθρωποι, χρήσιμοι για την κοινωνία. Προσωπικό του όνειρο  είναι κάποια στιγμή να μεταπηδήσει στο τρίτο είδος ανθρώπου το οποίο περιγραφώ στην συνέχεια.

3. Στο τρίτο είδος βρίσκεται ο άνθρωπος εκείνος ο οποίος εργάζεται στο επίπεδο το οποίο επιθυμεί και αμείβεται συμφώνα με τις γνώσεις και τις ώρες εργασίας του.  Συνήθως έχει μεταπτυχιακό  ή διδακτορικό δίπλωμα στην αθλητική επιστήμη και όχι μόνο. Η θέση την οποία κατέχει αποτελεί επιβράβευση των προσπαθειών και των θυσιών του. Δεν διαφέρει σε τίποτα περισσότερο με τον άνθρωπο του δεύτερου είδος. 

Κατά το παρελθόν, έχω συναντήσει ανθρώπους και των τριών ειδών. Δυστυχώς, ακόμη υπάρχουν αρκετοί άνθρωποι οι οποίοι ασχολούντε με το ποδόσφαιρο και  ανήκουν στο πρώτο είδος.  Προσωπικά θα ήθελα να συμβουλέψω τους γονείς να είναι περισσότερο καχύποπτοι και να μην πιστεύουν κάθε υπόσχεση και κυρίως να μην δίνουν περισσότερα  χρήματα σε ανθρώπους που δεν γνωρίζουν σε βάθος, για δήθεν προώθηση του παιδιού τους.  

Επίσης, θα ήθελα να αναφερθώ στον ρόλο των καμπ ποδοσφαίρου.  Σε αυτή την περίπτωση, οι  γονείς συχνά πέφτουν θύματα ανθρώπων του πρώτου είδους, με στόχο την επιλογή του παιδιού τους . Έχοντας συμμετάσχει στο παρελθόν σε καμπ ως συντονιστής και ως γυμναστής/προπονητής, έχω προσωπική εμπειρία. Αρκετοί γονείς στέλνουν τα παιδιά τους στα καμπ , με κύριο στόχο να επιλεγούν από την ομάδα που το διοργανώνει, με αναπόφευκτο αποτέλεσμα τα παιδιά να φεύγουν απογοητευμένα.  Έχω την γνώμη πως αυτό είναι το μεγαλύτερο λάθος από την πλευρά των γονέων. Ο κύριος στόχος των καμπ είναι τα παιδιά να διασκεδάσουν, να κάνουν φίλους , να αποκτήσουν εμπειρίες και αναμνήσεις που θα τα βοηθήσουν στην εξέλιξη τους (το λέει  η λέξη από μόνη της camp=κατασκήνωση). Όσον αφορά την επιλογή κάποιου παιδιού από κάποια ευρωπαϊκή ομάδα υψηλού επιπέδου, είναι πάρα πολύ δύσκολο έως σχεδόν αδύνατο κάποιο παιδί να επιλεγεί μόνο από ένα καμπ.  

Στα περισσότερα καμπ επιλέγονται 2-3 παιδιά τα οποία βρίσκοντε σε διαφορετικό επίπεδο από τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά. Τα παιδιά συμμετέχουν σε ένα τελικό καμπ στις εγκαταστάσεις της ομάδας η οποία διοργάνωσε το καμπ. Οι εμπειρίες τις οποίες βιώνει το παιδί σε αυτό το στάδιο θα το συνοδεύουν για το υπόλοιπο τις καριέρας του, σε οποιοδήποτε επίπεδο. Το παραπάνω αποτελεί έναν ακόμη λόγο για την συμμετοχή του παιδιού σε καμπ. Εσείς γιατί επιμένετε να πηγαίνετε τα παιδιά σας στα καμπ με στόχο να τα δείτε να αγωνίζονται με χρώματα φανέλας μιας μεγάλης ομάδας;

ΥΓ.:  Γονείς, εάν το κανακάρη σας είναι όντως καλός ποδοσφαιριστής θα γίνει επαγγελματίας με την αξία του και όχι με την αξία των χρημάτων σας.                                Tα  τρία είδη ανθρώπων στον χώρου του ποδοσφαίρου.

Κατά την προσωπική μου άποψη υπάρχουν 3 είδη ανθρώπων (προπονητές, γυμναστές, μάνατζερ κ.α.) που ασχολούνται με τον χώρο του ποδοσφαίρου:

1. Είναι ο άνθρωπος εκείνος ο οποίος παρουσιάζει τον εαυτό ως μεγάλο - προπονητή, γυμναστή, μάνατζερ ενώ στην πραγματικότητα είναι άδειος από γνώσεις. Tο μόνο που μπορεί να έχει είναι ένα καλό ψεύτικο προφίλ προκειμένου να πείθονται οι υποψήφιοι πελάτες - θυμάτά του (γονείς παιδιών, αθλητές). Αυτός ο άνθρωπος συνήθως πληρώνεται αδρά όχι για το έργο του αλλά για τις υποσχέσεις και τα λόγια του, όχι μόνο προς τους γονείς των μικρών αθλητών αλλά πολλές φορές και προς τους ιδίους. Το πλεονέκτημα αυτού του ανθρώπου πηγάζει από την εκμετάλλευση του ονείρου των παιδιών να γίνουν επαγγελματίες ποδοσφαιριστές ή να επιλεγούν από τις ακαδημίες κάποιας ευρωπαϊκής ομάδας. Συνήθως κολακεύει τον εαυτό του. Όνειρό του, απλά δεν έχει όνειρο . Το μόνο που κάνει είναι να ελπίζει οι δουλειές να πάνε καλά εκμεταλλευόμενος την παιδική αθωότητα και τους αφελείς γονείς.

2. Είναι ο άνθρωπος εκείνος ο όποιος χαρακτηρίζεται από την αρετή της αυτογνωσίας. Έχει πανεπιστημιακή μόρφωση (μεταπτυχιακό και σπανιότερα διδακτορικό δίπλωμα) και προσπαθεί συνεχώς να διευρύνει τις γνώσεις του. Είναι τελειομανής και δουλεύει σκληρά, συνήθως δεν αμείβεται σύμφωνα με τις γνώσεις και τις ώρες εργασίας του. Ο λόγος είναι ότι βρίσκεται στην αρχή της σταδιοδρομίας του και προσπαθεί να κτίσει πάνω σε υγιείς βάσεις την καριέρα του. Πολλές φορές δίνει λιγότερη σημασία στο οικονομικό όφελος και περισσότερη στην εξέλιξη των αθλητών του. Είναι χαμηλών τόνων και δεν υπόσχεται μεγάλα πράγματα στους αθλητές και τους γονείς τους. Στο δεύτερο είδος ανθρώπου μιλούν κολακευτικά οι γονείς των αθλητών και οι αθλητές του γι’ αυτόν και όχι ο ίδιος για τον εαυτό του. Το όνειρο του είναι να δει τους αθλητές του να αγωνίζονται σε υψηλό επίπεδο και να γίνουν σωστοί άνθρωποι, χρήσιμοι για την κοινωνία. Προσωπικό του όνειρο είναι κάποια στιγμή να μεταπηδήσει στο τρίτο είδος ανθρώπου το οποίο περιγραφώ στην συνέχεια.

3. Στο τρίτο είδος βρίσκεται ο άνθρωπος εκείνος ο οποίος εργάζεται στο επίπεδο το οποίο επιθυμεί και αμείβεται συμφώνα με τις γνώσεις και τις ώρες εργασίας του. Συνήθως έχει μεταπτυχιακό ή διδακτορικό δίπλωμα στην αθλητική επιστήμη και όχι μόνο. Η θέση την οποία κατέχει αποτελεί επιβράβευση των προσπαθειών και των θυσιών του. Δεν διαφέρει σε τίποτα περισσότερο με τον άνθρωπο του δεύτερου είδος.

Κατά το παρελθόν, έχω συναντήσει ανθρώπους και των τριών ειδών. Δυστυχώς, ακόμη υπάρχουν αρκετοί άνθρωποι οι οποίοι ασχολούνται με το ποδόσφαιρο και ανήκουν στο πρώτο είδος. Προσωπικά θα ήθελα να συμβουλέψω τους γονείς να είναι περισσότερο καχύποπτοι και να μην πιστεύουν κάθε υπόσχεση και κυρίως να μην δίνουν περισσότερα χρήματα σε ανθρώπους που δεν γνωρίζουν σε βάθος, για δήθεν προώθηση του παιδιού τους.

Επίσης, θα ήθελα να αναφερθώ στον ρόλο των καμπ ποδοσφαίρου. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση, οι γονείς συχνά πέφτουν θύματα ανθρώπων του πρώτου είδους, με στόχο την επιλογή του παιδιού τους . Έχοντας συμμετάσχει στο παρελθόν σε καμπ ως συντονιστής και ως γυμναστής/προπονητής, έχω προσωπική εμπειρία. Αρκετοί γονείς στέλνουν τα παιδιά τους στα καμπ , με κύριο στόχο να επιλεγούν από την ομάδα που το διοργανώνει, με αναπόφευκτο αποτέλεσμα τα παιδιά να φεύγουν απογοητευμένα. Έχω την γνώμη πως αυτό είναι το μεγαλύτερο λάθος από την πλευρά των γονέων. Ο κύριος στόχος των καμπ είναι τα παιδιά να διασκεδάσουν, να κάνουν φίλους , να αποκτήσουν εμπειρίες και αναμνήσεις που θα τα βοηθήσουν στην εξέλιξη τους (το λέει η λέξη από μόνη της camp=κατασκήνωση). Όσον αφορά την επιλογή κάποιου παιδιού από κάποια ευρωπαϊκή ομάδα υψηλού επιπέδου, είναι πάρα πολύ δύσκολο έως σχεδόν αδύνατο κάποιο παιδί να επιλεγεί μόνο από ένα καμπ.

Στα περισσότερα καμπ επιλέγονται 2-3 παιδιά τα οποία βρίσκοντε σε διαφορετικό επίπεδο από τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά. Τα παιδιά συμμετέχουν σε ένα τελικό καμπ στις εγκαταστάσεις της ομάδας η οποία διοργάνωσε το καμπ. Οι εμπειρίες τις οποίες βιώνει το παιδί σε αυτό το στάδιο θα το συνοδεύουν για το υπόλοιπο τις καριέρας του, σε οποιοδήποτε επίπεδο. Το παραπάνω αποτελεί έναν ακόμη λόγο για την συμμετοχή του παιδιού σε καμπ. Εσείς γιατί επιμένετε να πηγαίνετε τα παιδιά σας στα καμπ με στόχο να τα δείτε να αγωνίζονται με χρώματα φανέλας μιας μεγάλης ομάδας;

ΥΓ.: Γονείς, εάν το κανακάρη σας είναι όντως καλός ποδοσφαιριστής θα γίνει επαγγελματίας με την αξία του και όχι με την αξία των χρημάτων σας.

Newcastle UTD Fitness Sprints - SoccerClinics.com

Newcastle UTD Fitness Sprints 
Exercise Objectives:
This exercise is excellent for maintaining a high tempo during short distance sprint work.
Field Preparation
Area approximately 20 x 20 yards, unlimited number of players. Place flags from 10 to 20 yards apart.
Coaching Pointers:
The team is divided into two groups. Position a group at opposite flag poles. Players stand 5 yards from the
flag pole. Sprint work is performed in the following sequence;

Player "A" sprints around the far flag pole, as soon as he turns the flag pole, player "B" chases player "A"
and tries to "tag" him before he gets back to his own flag pole. When player "B" turn on the flag, player "C"
chases him and tries to tag him before he reaches his own flagpole. This sequence is repeated throughout
the drill.

Work for 10 to 15 minutes.

Πέμπτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Counter attack like Roberto Mancini

Counter attack like Roberto Mancini

By David Clarke

Roberto Mancini's players are good at exploiting counter attacks but one problem an attacking team has is: Can they make the most of having the ball in so much space?
Not every team has a David Silva or Sergio Aguero in their team. Players need to practise this from both the attacking and the defending point of view so that they know how to react it happens in matches.
I use this exercise, which I first saw being used by Manchester City under manager Roberto Mancini. It is a really good workout for your players and gives all the players involved a realistic idea of what they have to do when the opposition breaks away with the ball.
When you play it, your players can hit long balls or fast, one-touch football and combination play to get the ball up the pitch. Just make sure your attacker is ready.
The player left up the pitch needs to be strong and fast to get to the ball first and hold it up. Using the exercise in the picture, you can replicate a counter attack by holding the forwards and defenders in two boxes before releasing them.
The attackers are racing away with the ball while the defenders are forced to make recovery runs.

How to play it

  • Set up an area 30 yards long by 20 yards wide, with two eight-yard boxes marked with cones at one end and a goal at the other.
  • Put two teams of three players in each box. One is the attacking support and one is the defending support.
  • You need a striker and a defender near the goal, and a goalkeeper in the goal.
  • On your call the attacking team passes long to the striker. Attackers can move once the ball has been passed.
  • On your next call the defenders run to help defend.
  • Depending on how long you leave it between calls will make it harder or easier for the attacking team.
  • You can also change the numbers in the two boxes to favour attack or defence.
  • Swap the lone players regularly and swap attackers with defenders after five attacks.

Τετάρτη 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Look up to spot the colour -passing

Look up to spot the colour

By Kevin McGreskin, UEFA B licence-qualified coach who specialises in vision and awareness training for soccer with ViSTA, the visual skills training academy.

This session is aimed at developing a player's visual awareness by making them look up and know what their team mates are doing around them. In the session, players have to carry out a specific action in response to a visual cue which forces them to look before they pass or receive a pass.

How it works

In the picture above. Player 2 must only use three touches in the centre – one to control the ball, one to move it and one to pass.
Encourage players to call out the colour of the visual cue during the exercise. This is an important secondary task that increases the challenge for the players and gets them used to talking during play.

How to play it

  • You need three players, two balls and six markers.
  • Player 2 stands between two markers (one black, one white) approximately three yards apart.
  • Players 1 and 3 each have one black and one white marker.
  • Player 1 passes to player 2.
  • Player 2 must look around to "spot" the visual cue, held up by player 3.
  • Player 2 must then shift the ball around the same coloured marker as the visual cue.
  • Player 2 follows the ball and makes a return pass to player 1.
  • Player 2 turns and repeats with player 3. This time, player 1 will hold up the visual cue.

How to progress it

  • Continue as above but player 2 must now "spot" a second visual cue, held up by player 3 in the picture, and call out the colour before making the return pass.
  • Rotate players after they have had two turns.

Key coaching tips

  • Make sure players look over their shoulder before receiving a pass.
  • Players need a good touch to shift the ball out of their feet and beyond the cone.
  • Ensure players look up and correctly identify the second visual cue before making the return pass.

Hey, team mate, let's talk! -1v1

Hey, team mate, let's talk!

By Michael Beale
This drill is 1v1 on the pitch but the defender receives verbal support from his team mate, which is crucial to developing a 2v1 defensive understanding. It helps players get used to talking to each other during matches and helping out verbally in situations where players cannot see each other.
Without communication, you have to assume you are defending alone and cannot pressure the attacker.
In an area 30 yards square you need two cones, a ball and a goal – a goalkeeper is not vital but makes it harder for the attacker to score.

How to play it

  1. The midfielder passes the ball to the attacker, and a 1v1 commences with the supporting defender giving advice to his team mate who must try and stop the attacker getting a shot in on goal.
  2. You give examples for the players to call such as "get tight", "stop the turn", "show left", "win the ball".
  3. Once the ball has been played, the attacker and defender are replaced and a new supporting defender gives advice.

• Football Skills • 2013 • HD • by LeoN •

Crazy Skill Show ► Dribbles ● Moves ●Tricks ||HD

FC Barcelona speed training - football & soccer dills & skills

Rich Hartis, "Opposites Attract: Ideas to Improve Inter -Team Understand...

Ian Barker, "Training Activities to Develop Effective Transition" (+play...

Greg Ramos, Variations of Barcelona use of "Rondo" Training (+playlist)

Doug Williamson "Small - Sided Games To Inspire Tactical Creativity "

Soccer Coaching Defending Drill: Small-Sided Game

The Coaching Manual - Warm Up (Technical)

Warm Up: Passing & Moving

Neymar 2013/2014 | Goals, Skills & Tricks | HD

Goalkeeper Training - Explosive Movement - SeriousGoalkeeping.net

virtuelles Torwarttraining - Hechten für Kinder


Die Blaue Mauer auf dem Torwart.de Camp 2011

Goalkeeper Training - 02/05/2013 - SeriousGoalkeeping.net

Technical training soccer players - Learn the Brazilian Way

Soccer Coaching Possession Drill: Warm Up (Technical)

Soccer Speed and Agility | 4 Cone Drill

FC Barcelona soccer drill: Through ball pass game

Spanish Football (Soccer) Drills

Δευτέρα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

How to do the Drag Push, Scissors & Side Step Move - Football Soccer 1v1...

Learn how to do the Scissors Move - Football Soccer 1v1

Learn how to do the Side Step Move - Football Soccer 1v1

How to do the Roll Push, Scissors & Ronaldo Move - Football Soccer 1v1 T...

How to do the Matthews Move Number 1 & 2 - Football Soccer 1v1

How to do the Ronaldo Chop & Maradona Move - Football Soccer 1v1 Tutoria...

How to do the Fake Shot & Side Step Move - Football Soccer 1v1 Tutorial ...

How to do the Step Over & Step Over Scissors Move - Football Soccer 1v1 ...

How to do the Inside & Outside Cut Turn

Learn how to do the Xavi Hernandez 360 Turn

How to do the Maradona & Cruyff Turn

Learn how to do the Step Over Turn

How to do a Drag Back Turn

Learn the Roll Cut & Squeeze Turn

Learn the Stop Turn & Hook Turn

How to do Kick Ups - Learn how to Juggle a Football Soccer Ball 1

How to Juggle a Football Soccer Ball How to do Kick Ups Part 2

How to Juggle a Football Soccer Ball How to do Kick Ups Part 3

How to do Toe Taps on Top of Ball - Football Soccer Quick Feet Tutorial ...

Learn how to Dribble like Messi 2 - Football Soccer Ball Mastery Tutorial

Learn how to Dribble like Messi - Football Soccer Ball Mastery Tutorial

How to do the Pull Push Move - Football Soccer Ball Mastery Tutorial

How to do Maradona & Ronaldo Toe Taps - Football Soccer Ball Mastery Tut...

How to do Toe Taps - Football Soccer Quick Feet Tutorial Part 2

Learn how to do Toe Taps - Football Soccer Quick Feet Tutorial Part 1

How to do the Scissors, Ronaldo & Maradona Dribble - Football Soccer Bal...

Dribble past your partner -all ages

Dribble past your partner

This is a great warm-up to get your players confident on the ball so they are ready to play matches.

How to play it

  • Arrange your players into pairs.
  • The partner in possession of the ball must dribble with it and try various skills.
  • The second player must jockey and continuously change position in relation to the dribbling player to stop him passing.
  • On your first whistle, the player in possession turns away from his partner and tries to hold them off.
  • On your second whistle, players change roles.

Receiving the ball under pressure -u12

Receiving the ball under pressure

By Tony Carr

This session is designed to improve your players' technique so they are confident to receive the ball under pressure. Individual practices will help develop a player's technique before putting them under pressure while in possession of the ball.
We naturally coach players' technical skills in isolation. This is to develop the key skills properly so the technique is learned correctly.
However, this technique has to be developed by using the same pressure players are going to face in a match. Lots of players can play without pressure but only the best players can perform in match conditions.

How to set it up

Mark out a 20-yard square for the session and development, expanding to a 30-yard square for the game.

How to play it

The server passes the ball to a player in the centre of the area who must look over his shoulder before receiving the ball and then dribble or pass out to a new player.
The server now becomes the new central player. This practice can be progressed by making the player control a bouncing or lofted ball.

How to develop it

One team works on receiving skills and one team works on defensive pressuring techniques. The team working on receiving continues to do the same things as in the previous practice. However, this time they are under pressure from a "defender" who comes onto the pitch from different angles.
The defending players are numbered and take turns to apply pressure to win possession. The only rule is the pressuring defender must not enter the pitch until the serve has been made.
The receiver must look up and know where to make the first touch to take the ball away from the defender and keep possession.

How to play it in a game

The goalkeeper in possession passes to one of the teams. The team that has the ball can score past any goalkeeper except the one they have received the ball from.
This means it receives the ball under pressure and then retains possession in order to try and score a goal. If the defending team wins possession, it tries to score against the starting keeper.

Moving the goal posts -u10

Moving the goal posts

By Michael Beale

This is a clever warm-up to test individuals in mind, action and precision.

How to set it up

  • You will need three balls.
  • Position two balls two metres apart so that, in effect, they act as goal posts. Place the other ball in front of them.

Getting started

  • Get the player to pass the first ball between the other two balls.
  • Before that first ball has stopped rolling, the player must pass a second ball between the other two balls.
  • Count the number of goals scored. When a goal is missed, move to another player and see if he can better that score.

Why this works

This is a mentally taxing warm-up that relies on a calmness of thought as well as precision and poise in continually threading passes through a moving goal.
Your players will be perfecting angles, weight and direction of pass, arguably the three key elements to a footballer’s game.

Double crossers -u14

Double crossers

By David Clarke

Scoring from crosses is something every team needs to practise. Rather than just a "hit and hope", successful crosses involve skill, timing and teamwork.
A cross is like an accurate long pass - it needs to be aimed at a specific area. The end focus of this session is the timing of a run and the execution of a shot, but it requires a good pass in the first place.

How to play it

  • For this practice, you will need lots of balls, two goals, two keepers and a server.
  • Set up as shown in the top picture - a 20-yard square with a five-yard box at the top left of the area. There are players in the top left and top right corners, and two goals in the bottom left corner. The goals are at right angles to each other, and seven yards in from the corner. There is also a cone near the centre of the area.
  • To start, B passes to A, then makes a run around the cone to receive the ball back from A, then fires at goal.
  • Whether or not the chance ends up being taken, A moves towards the other goal, looking to get on the end of a cross from the server (see the middle picture). B must defend 1v1, attempting to prevent a goalscoring chance.
  • At the end of that move, B goes to A's initial position at top left while A goes to the group at top right (see the bottom picture).
  • Now the next players in line take their turn.

Advancing the session

  • Try putting conditions on the types of crosses. For instance, A crosses for a header, while the server crosses for a shot on the ground.
  • Alternatively, a good way to make the practice more competitive is to add a defender in front of each goal.

Technique and tactics

  • This is a simple but effective practice that requires positive running with good timing.
  • Crosses must be precise - and practice makes perfect in this respect, so ensure you run this through a few times so that players can master the art.

Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Cops and robbers game -u6

Cops and robbers game

By David Clarke

You can use this game to teach young players the basics of attacking and defending in a fun game. Awareness of where players are and the ability to control, pass and stop the ball can all be coached.

How to set it up

Use the centre circle and put three cones in the middle to form a triangle. If your pitch doesn’t have a centre circle, use a circle of cones in a similar size. With all players in the playing area, have some players with a ball – the cops, and half as many without a ball - the robbers.

How to play it

The robbers have to try and win a ball from one of the cops. If the robber wins the ball, he attempts to score by stopping it in the centre "bank". If the robber manages to do that, the cop who lost the ball also becomes a robber. Play continues until one player with a ball remains. He is the winner.

Key coaching tips:

Cops should keep the ball close, with their heads up so they are aware of where the robbers are. If the ball is lost, recover quickly and fight to win it back before the robber puts it in the bank.
Robbers should move quickly from defence to attack to avoid other players and control the ball into the bank.

The skills corridor-u10

The skills corridor

By David Clarke

Wicked 1v1s for your players

In this year's Champions League with the abundance of skilful players, we've seen some fantastic, match-defining 1v1 situations, and these are best practised by using what I call the "skills corridor".

How to play it

  • Set up as shown above by creating three channels, each 15 yards long. One is 10 yards wide (at the top), 30 yards wide (in the middle) and five yards wide (at the bottom).
  • At the far end of the middle channel, place a small goal (two yards wide) on each side at an angle. There are also additional cones that act as obstacles.
  • Split your players into teams of three.
  • The first trio of players move off. The central player must find a way around the central cone to shoot at either goal (see top picture).
  • The other two players go around to the left and right. The player going to the left has a wide area to go 1v1 with the cone so he can push the ball past and run on. The player who goes right has a much tighter area to negotiate, so against his cone must use quick feet and a skill that means the ball stays close to him and protected (see top picture).
  • The teams get a point each time they get past a defender or run the ball through one of the goals at the far end.
  • For the next run-through, tell the players they must touch each side of the channel at least twice in their approach (see middle picture).
  • And this time, give the three players a skill you want them to use to beat the "defender": stepover, feint, drag-push, knock the ball past the defender and run around to get it, or something else.

Developing the session

  • Replace the cones with defenders (see bottom picture). Now dribbling players must put the skills and techniques already practised in pressurised 1v1 situations.
  • You can also add players along the sides who pass balls across the corridor that the dribblers have to avoid.

Technique and tactics

  • This session is great for match realism and the coaching of dribbling and 1v1 skills. Players can use a number of ways to get past the guarding defenders, so decision making is key to the success of the session.
  • You are coaching a number of things in the zone so watch all three players and praise any good attempts to use a skill.
  • Defenders must stay on their feet and let the dribbling player do the work.

Simple tactics for throw-ins-u14

Simple tactics for throw-ins

By David Clarke

I find that when young players pick up the ball for a throw-in and are faced by one of their team mates very close to them, they usually end up performing a foul throw because they do not need to throw the ball very far.
The way to stop them doing this is to give them tactics that both the thrower and receiver have practised before the match.
A player too close to the thrower is not in a good position anyway. What you are looking for is a player on the move who can take the ball in their stride and use it to advance up the pitch.
Throw-ins are good attacking weapons but you also need to be able to make the most of them when you are defending as well.
I use these four throw-in tactics to give all my teams good, basic tactics so they know what to do when they pick the ball up. You should try them too.
  • In picture 1, A throws to B, who gives the ball back to A with the inside of the right foot on the volley.
  • Once your players have done it a few times with their right foot, player B does the same, this time using the left foot as shown in picture 2 – again playing the ball from the throw-in before it touches the ground.

Concentrate on the quality of the throw-in

Player A must make sure his throw makes it easy for B to move to the ball and volley back. The throw should put the ball at the right height, in the right spot and at the right pace.
Make sure your throwers concentrate on this, aiming the ball in the general direction of B is not good enough.

Players should not be put under pressure

A ball thrown at chest or head height will put B under pressure because defenders will have a chance of intercepting the ball when B tries to control it.

How to progress

  • You can progress the throw-in practice, as shown in picture 3, by adding a defender and another team mate.
  • Player A must disguise his throw so the defender runs to the wrong player.

Support and move from the throw-in

  • As shown in picture 4, add another defender. This time the thrower and his attackers must support each other once the initial throw has been made.
  • Player B must receive the ball, pass to C then support the pass so C can pass back to him. Or C can pass long to A, who has run into an attacking position down the wing.
  • Alternatively, B can either play the ball back to A and set up an attack, or retain possession, and still set up a 3v2 situation.

Throw-in frenzy-u 10

Throw-in frenzy

By Keith Boanas

Use this game to encourage and improve the use of quick throw-ins to gain an advantage.

Set up

Area: Use a 50x40 yards pitch with a goal at each end. Two eight-yard square boxes on each side, 10 yards from the goal line.
Players: 12.
Equipment: Balls, cones, two goals.

The rules

  • Two players from each team are put into the boxes at the end they are attacking. The remaining players play in the main area.
  • To score, a team must pass to one of the boxed players, who catches the ball or picks it up and looks to take a legal throw-in quickly.
  • The attacking team tries to create a goalscoring opportunity from the throw-in before the defending team can get organised.
  • Rotate the players in the boxes at regular intervals.


Allow the receiver to play the ball back to the thrower, who can then cross or shoot.
The thrower can now join in by exiting the box with or without the ball. How do players react to this?


Before playing this game, you might want to make sure your players are all aware how to take a legal throw-in and give them a chance to show you their technique.

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Italian passing drill -soccer clinics

Italian Passing Vision Drill   
Exercise Objectives:
This exercise is designed to work on each players’ quick decision making and passing skills.
Field Preparation
7 Players, Area 10 x 10 Yards, Supply of Balls and Cones
Coaching Pointers:
Place 2 players at each gate (cones) and one player at one gate. (As in the diagram above). The object of the drill is to pass the ball to the gate with 2 players and then run to the gate with one player. There should never be a gate with three players. 

Focus On:
Quality “first touch”.
Accuracy and Pace of the pass.
Disguising the pass. 
Explosive movement with the ball.

Work for 10 to 15 minutes.

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Nearest defender to pressure

Nearest defender to pressure

By Michael Beale

This a great session to coach your players in defending as a unit. It means your players will know what to do when they are up against two attackers. It is all about pressure and support.

The aim of the session

The nearest defender in the exercise must pressure the ball quickly to isolate the player in possession. The other two defenders must take up supporting positions marking the second striker, the space the striker may run into and the route to goal.

How to set it up

Use a 50x30 yards area with four cones, four balls and one goal.

How to play it

  1. You call a number and that player dribbles into the area to attack with their team mate, who is already in front of him.
  2. Defenders must react quickly and the nearest one puts pressure on the ball while the remaining defenders provide cover.
  3. If the defenders win the ball back, that attack is complete and the dribbling player takes the place of the initial attacker for the next attack.

Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Quick combination play

Quick combination play

By David Clarke

This session is all about using quick passing drills to improve the speed of play and imagination of your attackers around the penalty area.

What to think about

For through balls and wall passes, the weight of the pass is important so that it arrives in the path of the forward's run.
You can add one or more defenders to show how attacking passes like this can pull defenders apart to make space for team mates.

What to get your players to do

Drill 1 - the midfielder (A) passes to the first attacker (B), who plays a quick one-two with the second striker (C) and shoots at goal (see top picture).
Drill 2 - the midfielder (A) passes to the first attacker (B), who sets back to midfielder (A), who plays a through ball for the second attacker (C) to shoot (see middle picture).
Drill 3 - the midfielder (A) passes to attacker (C), who dribbles along the edge of the box and then back heels the ball for the other striker (B), to make a crossover run to shoot at goal (see bottom picture).
Make sure players get a chance in each position.

Loose 1v1s,loose the match

Full back v wide player

By David Clarke

It is crucial to win your 1v1 battles in wide areas of the pitch whether attacking or defending. Developing your full backs and wide players so they can win these clashes in this part of the field could lead to clearing danger or putting in a threatening cross.

Session - 15 minutes

Use half of your normal pitch and set up an attacking line on both sides of the area. You will need a full back on both sides and poles/flags to represent the distance attackers need to reach before they can cross, as shown in the top picture.
The full back passes to the wide player and then runs to add pressure. The wide player tries to beat the full back and then cross into the box from past the pole. The full back tries to stop this happening.
After each attack, the wide player becomes the new full back and the full back joins the back of the opposite line of attackers.

Development - 15 minutes

Use the same size area but add two centre forwards (CF), a centre back (CB), a goalkeeper and a server on both sides, as in the bottom picture. The practice is started by a server, who makes a pass into the space behind the full back and into the path of the running wide player.
The full back must react quickly by turning and running to apply pressure and try to block the cross.
The wide player's task is to get to the ball and cross accurately towards the two forwards, who face opposition from the centre back and goalkeeper, to score a goal. The next attack begins on the opposite side of the pitch.

Τετάρτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Heads you win...

Heads you win...

By David Clarke

Heading is about more than just finding the net, so here's a session that rehearses players on how to best execute a header in to the path of a team mate, be that in the opposition's box or in your own!
Play each drill for five minutes, looking to see how your players develop their technique.

How to play it

Heading warm-up

  • To start with, set your players up as shown in the picture above, with a five-yard gap between yourself and the first player.
  • Simply throw the ball to the player and tell him to head it straight back. Once done, the player returns to the back of the line and the next one steps forward. Create additional lines to ensure you have no more than five players per line.

Speed and accuracy

  • Now your players are warmed up, let's work on pace and direction. Set up as shown above. The heading player is 10 yards from you and five yards from each of players A, B, and C.
  • The player heading the ball must head to the player you shout out, e.g. "B".
  • At first, throw the ball so that when the player heads the ball, his feet are flat on the ground.
  • Then progress so that he has to jump to direct the ball.

Heading teamwork

  • Now organise five players in a zigzag formation - five yards between each. Player A throws the ball up and heads to B, who heads to C and so on, until it reaches E.
  • If the ball falls to the ground, the next player in the sequence tees himself up and continues the ball's route - don't go back to the start or some players may not get many touches! If E can keep the headers going he should try to head it back to D and so on.

Have some fun with Jailbreak

Have some fun with Jailbreak

By David Clarke

Jailbreak is a great game to give your players a bit of fun on training night. It gets them using skills and techniques to shield and hold the ball, improve quick passing and develop the art of closing down opponents to win the ball.

How to set it up and play

  • Set up so you have three pairs in a 20-yard square.
  • Each pair has a ball they pass between them. One of each pair is A, the other B.
  • You need three outside players who are in “jail”. They are the Cs.
  • Tell the Cs to jog around the outside of the square in any direction. When you shout “Jailbreak” they must run around the cone on the corner of the square in front of them and enter the area to try and win a ball off one of the pairs.
  • If one of the balls is won fairly, all of the players are out of jail and the Cs swap with the A players. The As go to jail outside the box and you start again.
  • On your call of “Jailbreak”, As try and win a ball. If they do, the As swap with the Bs. And so on.
  • Jailbreak players must act independently, so each player tries to win a ball – they cannot double team any of the pairs.
  • The pairs must move around the square passing to each other and use skills like shielding, turning and passing into space.
  • Play for a couple of minutes. If no one wins a ball, the players go back to jail.
  • It’s a fast game with a fitness, skill and fun angle.