Continuous defending with four goals
By Michael Beale
games are great to coach players defensive tactics - especially when
the defender must win the ball to create a chance to shoot.
defensive strategies mean players have to deal with a lot of 1v1s,
which are crucial in matches. This game provides your defenders with a
range of opponents to test themselves against.
Key factors in 1v1 defending:
- Pressure the opponent quickly.
Keep focused on the ball.
Force the attackers wide or backwards.
Can the ball be won?
This is a great game because it is fast and your defenders are facing different situations in a short space of time.
How to set it up
Use a 40-yard square with a five-yard square in
the centre marked out by four cones. Have four target goals, one on each
side of the playing area, and lots of balls.
How to play it
- One player starts in the centre while the other four players start in front of the goals. The player in the centre collects a ball and attacks a goal of his choice.
- If the player scores, he races to retrieve a new ball to attack the next goal in an anticlockwise direction.
- However, if the defender stops the attacker scoring, the roles are reversed and the defender runs out to retrieve a ball and attacks the goal opposite. Without defending well, your players do not get the chance to attack and score.