Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

1v1 into 2v1 game

1v1 into 2v1 game

By David Clarke

This game tests your forwards' ability to score in 1v1 and 2v1 situations with a quick switch from defence to attack in different sized areas.

How to play it

  • Create a playing area measuring 40x30 yards and set up as shown.
  • This game uses 10 outfield players (5v5) plus keepers.
  • To start, the black player attacks the top goal 1v1.
  • The white player then receives a ball from the coach and attacks the bottom goal with his team mate, in a 2v1.
  • After each attack the coach passes a new ball to the defender to begin a new attack.
  • Now rotate so that the black defender becomes the black attacker, the black attacker joins the back of the queue and a new black attacker goes into the lower box.
  • Similarly, the white defender becomes the white team mate in the lower box, the white team mate joins the back of the queue and a new white defender goes into the upper box.
  • The game is played for five minutes with the coach keeping scores.
  • The teams now switch roles.

Technique and tactics

  • Speed is essential in this game with players transitioning between attack and defence. With this in mind, look for strikers to beat their man and get a shot away as quickly as possible.
  • Awareness of space is important too - a confined area when attacking one goal and a much wider space to attack for the other.

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