Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Around the world by michael Beale

I love this game from Michael Beale's. There is such a lot of movement and changes in the angles of attack. It also requires match-like pace so players arrive on the pitch at different angles, speeds and levels of fatigue due to the attack that has just taken place.
You need to set up a playing area 25 yards square, with goals on three sides of the pitch. Divide your players into three teams of five.

How to play it

  1. With goals on three sides of the pitch, the teams defend the goal occupied by their goalkeeper and attack the goal it is facing. The white team starts by defending its goal.
  2. Next, the black team adjusts its position to defend its goal against the grey attackers.
  3. The first round is completed when the grey attackers switch to defend against the white team.
Play for a set time and rotate the teams so they defend each goal. In the following round, the second pair in each team attack and defend.

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